How to Paint Animal Tongues
Animal tongue colours have proved a problem for many students so I thought it would be a good idea to include the techniques used in this German shepherd project. Band A shows the colours I have selected for the lighter parts of the tongue starting with White (101 in the Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencil range), this colour extends the whole length of the band as do the other colours as they are added.The last two colours of band A start off band B, which are 131 and 124. The stronger colours are then placed on top of these base colours to produce the darker tones seen in the tongue in the photograph.
After adding the 199 black at the end of band B I then re-applied a little 194 to add a better overall tone to this dark area.Has this article helped you? Would you like more like this? Comment below with your suggestions and tell us what you'd like to see.