Which Pastel Pencils for Drawing a Brown Coloured Dog?
One of our members Irene wrote in asking for some advice on drawing this picture of Rosie the Dog:
Hi Steve I wonder if Colin could advise me what colours to use when doing a pastel painting of Rosie. Thank you.
With this advice we are assuming that Irene will be working with the Sand Coloured Ingres Paper.I would begin with using 270 grey and 273 mid grey as base colours. The 273 Grey would go in the dark areas with all the browns (the dark areas) and the 270 would go on all the light areas.You can also put white on top of this. Why? Well I say put it on top rather than underneath because it's that white colour is a little bit grey.
The other colours I would suggest are 187 Burnt Ochre (rather than 186). 187 Burnt Ochre, 283 Burnt Siena and 177 Walnut Brown. Usual disclaimer on my part - that's only the basic idea. I'm not saying that you just need those colours you'll need others but that's general idea.It's always a colour that creates a problem, that browny colour so we hope this advice helps others doing a similar picture.If you would like to get advice on your pastel pencil pictures and access our video lessons, then have a look at our membership. You can join us from just £3.99 ($5), click here to learn more.