Using a Putty Eraser on Dog's Hair

Kathy has sent me her pastel pencil painting that she is doing for her grandson and has run into a problem, as this can happen to us all I thought you would be interested to hear my pastel painting work in progress by KathyKathy writes:

Hi Colin, can you please help me I am painting my grandsons dog. He is predominantly black with brown and white markings. I had all the base colours down, my grandson was very pleased with it and as he was coming the next day I wanted to push on and did something I never do. I put the black on in the evening with the light on and feeling tired. Consequently I now have one side that is fine but the other side, which is a bit darker, is now much too dark and I can't see the hair lines. Please I've done too much to scrap it, can you tell me what to do?

The best way to get out of this problem is to press a putty eraser onto the offending area, but don’t use a rubbing action other wise it will smear the pastel. Continue to remove the black pastel until you have removed as much as you need to. You will then be able to reapply the colours to match the areas you are happy with. This will get Kathy out of trouble.Here's a demo using the Putty Eraser:


Deciding On a Background for a Black Animal


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