Tips for Beginners using Pastel Pencils - Podcast #207


In this episode Colin offers tips for those starting out with Pastel Pencils including the following:

  • Taping your work down to a piece of hardboard just bigger than the picture.
  • Working from top to bottom and left to right (or right to left if you're left handed) - This is not critical but it helps. It prevents putting your hand on the pastel and spreading, becoming messy.
  • Recommendation to start out with copying his (Colin's) pictures first. That way you're picking up the techniques then you can progress onto your own pictures. By copying you’ll pick up the application of colour, importance of underpainting and base colours as well as the pencil technique.

We also talk about how Colin's process has changed since working with multiple brands of pencil. What new effects can be achieved with softer pencils?Hear about this and more with this week's podcast! Enjoy!Download this PodcastListen on PodomaticClick to Subscribe through iTunes (Opens iTunes)


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