Tiger Cub Picture Feedback & Tips

Wendy has sent me this picture of a tiger which she has copied from a photograph by Kaz Turner and has asked if I can suggest a suitable background for this painting.pastel pencil tiger cub picture wendy NethercotThe fact that the Tiger’ paws have been included means that the animal will have to be represented in a landscape setting rather than the ‘foggy’ background we use for portraits. However this does not mean we have to necessarily create detail such as trees, foliage, rocks cages etc in realistic form. What would look good here is an impressionistic background that does not detract from the animal. I have inserted a section of my painting of a Tiger Cub to show this kind of effect, it still represents the environment the animal lives in but without too much distracting detail.You don’t need to be as elaborate as I have done here, a simple representation would do just as well and it would complete a lovely study. There are many examples of how to achieve this kind of background in video form on the members site, including the Tiger Cub shown above, so there is no need for me to cover that again here. I very much look forward to seeing Wendy’s finished painting.


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