Progress made using Pastel Pencils


Savina has sent me two pictures that shows the incredible progress she has made following our pastel pencil videos.Progress made from Savina using Pastel PencilsSavina writes:

Just to show you how much I've progressed since I started with Colin's lessons, here's a picture of a drawing I tried to do before taking them. I got so frustrated that I just stopped before doing the ears and beak (keep in mind that this drawing was almost "finished," lol - I'd done as much as I could figure out how to do)... I tried 3 pieces (a lion, an owl and a deer) and the same thing happened with all of them - they looked awful, which got me so frustrated that I just stopped. I think you can see that it would have taken me years to figure out how to create the effects that I've learned from Colin in just a few videos.

This amazing testament to our video lessons and a student’s willingness to learn just goes to show what can be achieved with the pastel pencil medium. Savina’s story is by no means unique, over the years hundreds of our students have attained this kind of success.


Correct Tiger's Eyes using Pastel Pencils


Teaching an Art Class - Podcast #137