Making Minor Tweaks to Your Animal Portraits

Ivana has sent me her painting of the ‘Laying Dog’ project and has asked for my help with the nose, Ivana writes:

"I wish I had done a better job of the nose on this puppy. I don’t know exactly where to fix it without spoiling it. It would be nice if you could just point out what I must do."

dogs nose in pastel pencilsOn the whole Ivana has made a reasonable job of this subject but there are a couple of things she could do that would improve the painting. The area below the left nostril is a touch too wide (red arrow) and compare it to my original painting on the right.The are below the right nostril also needs adjustment, lower the bottom edge to the point of the blue arrow and again copy my reference picture.These slight adjustments will make a difference. If you'd like feedback on your artwork, become a member and send us your pictures!


Choosing Base Colours for Skin Tones using Pastel Pencils


Altering Shading in Your Animal Portraits