How to Pick Colours for Painting a Baby Chick
Adam has sent me this photograph of a Chick as he plans to paint and has asked my suggestion as to the colours to use.First of all I would recommend that our sand coloured Ingres pastel paper is used. Available here.For the light feathers I would use 101 white generously. On top of the white add 103 then a little 230, after that stronger colours such as 233 and 109 can be tried and blended into the light base colour.Other colours like 182 and 187 can also be tried but care has to be taken as these colours can spoil the effect if overused. For the eyes 233 and 181 would probably work and the feet a base of 103 followed by 109 with touches of 113 to add depth.There are bound to be other colours needed but as you know I never like to totally predict all the colours in advance, preferring instead to start with the obvious then select more colour tones as I go along.All the colour numbers above refer to those in the Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencil range.