Border Collie Picture Feedback

Gabriele has sent me her painting of the Border Collie taken from our popular workshop pack available in our art store and has asked for any tips I can give to help improve the work.Border Collie in Pastel PencilsThis is a tricky picture as it deals with black and white plus the addition of ochre's, that being said Gabriele has made a fair job of it. The contrast between the dark and the light colours could be improved and this would benefit from an additional application of 199 black in the very dark areas. Conversely the light area inside the ear is too dull, this could do with erasing the colour completely and reapplying the light colours. To add more white on top of what is already there will not work with pastel pencils, see white circles.The teeth and tongue are well drawn but if sharper pencils were to be used this would produce a crisper effect.Over the coming months there are going to be several projects that will help our members understand the points raised here. I have deliberately chosen them because we know that these techniques cause difficulty, so watch out for them.Watch and learn from these upcoming pastel pencil projects by becoming a member of Colin Bradley Art.


Kitten Picture Feedback


Adding a Background to a Yellow Labrador