Adjusting the Proportions of Your Picture

Alice has sent me her painting of the tiger cub project and has asked for help. Alice Writes:

Hello Steve and Colin. Was hoping you could critique my tiger cub picture. I did the sketch free hand so the proportion may be a bit off. Still have troubles with my blending but I guess it just takes a lot of practice. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

alice's tiger pastel portraitI do admire Alice for having a go at drawing the tiger cub freehand but as you can see the proportions are slightly out. Even though it might feel less like cheating Alice would have been better to use either the line drawing supplied with this project or use the Square Drawing Grids we have on our online shop.I suspect that Alice applied the strong colours on top of a white base and although this will work for the light to mid tone shades, it will produce a washed out look when darker colours applied on top (see black arrows for an example).The shape and height of the right ear needs adjusting as it is too tall. I have indicated where I think this should be with the black line.For feedback and advice on your pictures, join Colin's exclusive membership programme and access Drawing & Painting Tutorials.


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